Government: Control of The Masses

The Slavery System

Government is men acting in concert. The morality and value of government, like any other association of men, will be no greater or no less than the morality and value of the men comprising it. Since government is nothing but men, it's inherent authority to act is in no way greater or different than the authority to act of any individuals in isolation. Government has no magic powers or authority that is not possessed by private individuals. When it comes down to it, if you're telling somebody else that they may either commit a Wrong against somebody else or prevent someone else from exercising a Right, that's a lie. And that does not exist. Not in reality. It exists in a diseased mind where it exists. You have to be imbalanced in the mind, in the psyche, to believe that that's true. It's a mental illness. I mean that's what it really is.

Government = Mind Control

Ultimately, authority is the idea that man can become God and through “jurisdiction,” dictate the law. What the dark occultists of this world who are behind ostensible governments in the world. They set up all of these institutions as temples. What this sick psychopathic priest class ultimately believes is they're going to become God. We're going to turn Natural Law on top of its head, and we're going to rule in hell. That's it. We're going to rule in hell. It's a religion. This is a religion. Hey, governments is a religion, the concept of authority is a religion. Most people don't see it that way. And I mean religion in the term of false religion. It comes from the Latin religare. Religion does not mean to reread. It doesn't come from relegare or re-le-gare, It comes from re-li-gare, hence: re-li-gion: R-E-L-I-G-A-R-E, all right? Religare means to tie back, to hold back or to thwart from forward progress by tying or binding, tying up so that you can't move forward. That's what religare is and that is the etymological root of religion, because a false religion is a system of control that is based in unchallenged dogmatic belief, which keeps the mind in a prison in order to hold back the progress of consciousness. And that's where the bulk of humanity is at, in a brain cage. They're in the mind cage, okay? There is a positive connotation of religion. It also means to reunite with. And what we need to reunite ourselves with is the Truth and common sense and Natural Law and knowledge that there is no such thing as legitimacy to slavery. That's what we need to reunite with, and then we’d be living with true religion. We'd be practicing true religion instead of fake religion. We've got to stop trying to make our religion truth, and we've got to start making Truth our religion. That's what needs to be done.