Green Language of The Birds

Advancing our Understanding

A language codified by man and nature, granted by the universe to those aligned in Natural Law, embrace humility and who oppose man's authority. This does not mean to oppose the rules of grammar and words and their definitions. Rules of language must be first obeyed as they are the principles that we use to be clear in our communication, but to not let the rules of grammar, definitions and pronunciation dictate or limit the investigation into the words and their origins or their revealing phonetic interpretations.

Breaking Down Words

Examples of Green Language

Game -- Aiming the G (Care)
Facebook -- Fake Book
Meme -- Me Me (Selfishness)
Believe -- Be lie eve (be in the darkness of a lie)
Culture -- Your Cult
Bliss -- Be Less (in the ego)
Action -- Act I (Eye) On
Money -- Mono Eye (One Eye)
Horizon -- Horus (Sun) Eye Zone
Universe -- United Verse (One Song)
Devil -- The Evil
Ma'at -- At Ma (Mother)
Matter -- Tear of Ma (Earth/Universe)
Freemason -- Free Sons of Ma
Images -- Eye Mages
Soldier -- Soul dyer