Align with the Divine

Hermeticism: Everything is Spirit

In the vast corridors of spiritual research and esoteric knowledge, there is a beacon of ancient wisdom that has fascinated thinkers and seekers for centuries: Hermeticism. Emerging from the darkness of history, this profound philosophical system carries within it the Seven Sacred Principles. They are carefully preserved by a few people who have dedicated themselves to keeping the light of this mysterious knowledge burning. Among these guardians of this mystical tradition is the Hermetic Academy, an institution dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Hermetic wisdom at a time when such treasures are in danger of being forgotten in the relentless tide of modernity.

~ The 7 Principles of Hermeticism ~

#1: The Universal Law of Mentalism


The first of the seven Universal Laws is the Law of Mentalism that tells us that "The All is Mind—The Universe is Mental". This means that mind or consciousness is the underlying substance of the entire Universe and that this consciousness is the Mind of The Absolute—Universal Mind. Being an Immutable Law, nothing can or ever will change it and it holds true on all planes—the Physical, the Mental, and the Spiritual Planes. ‘All is Mind’, however, does not mean that everything belongs to the Mental Plane. Rather, the Mental Plane is that plane of Mind associated with what we consider to be mental activities such as thinking, imagination and your overall mental state. All energy and matter, both visible and invisible and at all degrees of existence, is created by and is subject to The Absolute of which your God Self is a Divine Spark. Your mind is one and the same with Universal Mind in Its entirety. And your reality is but a manifestation of your mind, a projection of your consciousness. And since all is mind, this means that you do not have a mind, you are mind.

#2: The Universal Law of Correspondence


The second of the seven Universal Laws is the Law of Correspondence, also known as the Law of Analogy. This Law tells us "As Above So Below, As Below So Above", "As Within So Without, As Without So Within". This means that there is "harmony, agreement and correspondence" between the Physical, Mental and Spiritual Planes. Put simply, there is no separation since everything, including you, is Mind. The only difference is the rate of vibration, as the third of the Universal Laws tells us. The same pattern is expressed on all planes of existence from the smallest electron to the largest star, from the visible Physical Plane to the invisible Spiritual Plane.

#3: The Universal Law of Vibration


The third of the seven Universal Laws is the Law of Vibration that tells us "Nothing Rests—Everything Moves—Everything Vibrates", "The Whole Universe is But a Vibration". This is confirmed by modern-day science that states everything, including you, is pure energy vibrating at different rates of vibrations. The only difference between all manifestations of consciousness or mind, be it matter, thoughts, emotions, things or circumstance, is their corresponding rate of vibration. The higher the rate of vibration, the less dense or more subtle (less physical) that thing is. The lower the rate of vibration, the more dense or less subtle (more physical) that thing is. On the Physical Plane, everything you experience with your five physical senses is conveyed to your brain through vibrations. Everything in the 3D world is a vibration only that you experience things as being solid because of the way your brain interprets those vibrations.

#4: The Universal Law of Polarity


The fourth of the seven Universal Laws is the Law of Polarity that tells us that "Everything is Dual, Everything has Poles", "Everything has its Pair of Opposites", "Opposites are Identical in Nature, but Different in Degree". It is the first of the Mutable or transcendable Universal Laws and means there are two sides to everything. Things that appear to be opposites or contradictory are just two extremes of the same thing. For instance, heat and cold appear to be opposites but in truth, they are varying degrees of the same thing called temperature. The same applies to all opposites. The opposite pairs of love and hate, peace and war, positive and negative, good and evil, yes and no, light and darkness, energy and matter are all but varying degrees of the same thing. You can transmute your emotions along the same line of any pair of opposites; from hate to love, from fear to courage and so on by rising above your emotions and by consciously choosing to focus on higher emotions. This serves to raise your Mental Plane's overall vibration and hence also your corresponding 3D experience. In Hermetic Teachings, this is called the Art of Polarization and Mental Transmutation.

#5: The Universal Law of Rhythm


The fifth of the seven Universal Laws is the Law of Rhythm that tells us that "Everything Flows, Out and In", "All Things Rise and Fall", "The Pendulum Swing Manifests in Everything", "The Measure of the Swing to the Right is the Measure of the Swing to the Left", "Rhythm compensates." It is the second of the mutable or transcendable Laws of the Universe and means that all things, be they visible or invisible, swing between the opposites courtesy of the Law of Rhythm's pendulum. This Universal Law is evidenced in the waves of the ocean, in the rise and fall of empires, in business cycles, in the swing of your thoughts from being positive to negative and in your personal successes and failures. In accordance with this Law, when anything reaches a point of culmination then the backward swing begins almost unnoticeably until such time that any forward movement has been almost totally reversed, then the forward movement begins again and the process is repeated.

#6: The Universal Law of Cause and Effect


The sixth of the seven Universal Laws is the Law of Cause and Effect that tells us that "Every Cause has its Effect", "Every Effect has its Cause." In accordance with this Law, every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. Your thoughts, your beliefs about yourself, others and life, and your overall mental state set in motion specific causes that come to materialize over time as corresponding effects in your outer world.

#7: The Universal Law of Gender


The last of the seven Universal Laws is the Law of Gender. It tells us "Gender is in Everything", "Everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles". This mutable Universal Law is evident throughout creation in the opposite sexes or genders found not only in human beings but also in plants, electrons and magnetic poles to name but a few. Everything has both masculine and feminine aspects—the masculine is directive and the feminine is creative and the two must work together with harmony. In the Mental Plane, the directive masculine aspects are your conscious mind, your will and your logic. And the corresponding feminine creative aspects are your subconscious mind, your desires and your emotions respectively. Both genders are equally powerful and important and the pairs must work together. Specifically, your conscious and subconscious mind, your will and desires, and your logic and emotions must all work as pairs towards the same outcome.